NeuroStar TMS Therapy

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NeuroStar TMS

About NeuroStar® TMS Therapy

NeuroStar uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to target key areas of the brain that are underactive in people with depression. It is not ECT (electroconvulsive therapy).

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used in psychiatry for years and is a noninvasive procedure that Dr. Alva uses to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms related to brain deterioration, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and PTSD.  Because TMS uses magnetic fields, there is no injection or trauma to the patient. TMS is often used when other forms of treatment have proven to be ineffective.

While the exact cause of depression is not known, the leading scientific theory is that it is caused by an imbalance of the brain’s neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that send signals between brain cells.

Take the first step to overcoming your depression today.

Treatment with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is easy:

  • Therapy sessions are conducted in your NeuroStar doctor’s office
  • You can return to normal activities right away
  • You are awake during treatment
  • There are no negative effects on memory or sleep
  • It’s covered by most health insurance plans, including Medicare and Tricare

TMS Therapy is FDA-approved for MDD and OCD.

Off-label uses can be considered for the following

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Dementia
  • Nicotine Addiction
  • Autism Disorders

Other uses outside of psychiatry may include:

  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Multiple Sclerosis
sample pet scan for tms therapy

A PET scan measures vital functions such as blood flow, oxygen use and blood sugar (glucose) metabolism.

Source: Mark George, M.D. Biological Psychiatry Branch Division of Intramural Research Programs, NIMH 1993

NeuroStar® Therapy Insurance Coverage

Since the FDA’s clearance of TMS in 2008, insurance coverage for eligible patients has increased significantly. Currently, there are over 60 coverage policies for TMS, including most Medicare contractors. Although TMS Therapy is not the first line of treatment, it is an alternative option for those who are not responding to or cannot tolerate medications. Call us today to speak directly with a NeuroStar Coordinator about your specific insurance plan, coverage, and eligibility. For a list of insurance companies that our practice accepts, click here.

NeuroStar Patient – Mariah’s Story

NeuroStar Patient – Bart’s Story

NeuroStar Patient – Todd’s Story

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Orange County TMS Questions

Questions you may have

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. TMS is typically used when other treatments haven’t been effective or if a patient is seeking an alternative form of treatment.

Psychiatrists often diagnose symptoms and treat patients with medication and psychotherapy. An alternative treatment is transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS Therapy may be used to treat depression symptoms and psychiatric disorders such as:

  • Anxiety disorders, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Dementia
  • Nicotine Addiction
  • Autism Disorders

Other uses outside of psychiatry may include:

  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Medication and psychotherapy are often the first steps a psychiatrist uses in treating a patient. However, a psychiatrist may suggest transcranial magnetic stimulation after a full evaluation and usually after several sessions. Some patients may have spent years using antidepressant medications and asked to try something different.

TMS changes neuronal activity in parts of the brain that involve mood regulation (prefrontal cortex). Magnetic pulses transmit through the skull (into the brain), which induces the activity of nerve cells. Brain activity may be increased or decreased. Stimulating one side versus another with a magnetic pulse would have an opposite effect on the regulation of moods.

Patients are asked to remove jewelry or magnetic-sensitive items and may be given earplugs (the machine makes clicking sounds similar to an MRI machine).

The first session takes multiple measurements to ensure the TMS magnetic coil is placed in the correct location. The TMS coil is then attached to the patient’s forehead. Brief and repetitive magnetic pulses are used to reach the motor threshold (the minimum power to cause a patient’s thumb to twitch).

The session begins with clicking sounds and a “tapping or knocking sensation” under the TMS coil. The TMS coil produces magnetic pulses that provide brain stimulation and cause a change in symptoms experienced by the patient. The patient is closely monitored by a TMS technician, and adjustments may be made as the patient progresses. TMS is a completely non-invasive form of therapy.

TMS Therapy sessions are only prescribed by a psychiatrist or other medical provider with extensive experience using transcranial magnetic stimulation. A TMS technician may perform TMS brain stimulation under the direct supervision of a psychiatrist.

The initial session may take up to an hour. Follow-up sessions are usually 30–40 minutes and may be done 1–5 days per week. TMS treatment usually lasts for 4-6 weeks

No, transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments do not require general anesthesia. You will remain awake and aware of the process. Patients do not need recovery time; you are safe to continue your normal routine afterward.

In clinical trials, fewer than 5% of people discontinued treatment due to adverse events. The most common side effect was temporary pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site during therapy that usually resolved within the first week of treatment.

Other side effects (occurring in 5% of people and occurring at twice the rate of placebo) included eye pain, toothache, muscle twitches, facial pain, and pain of the skin.

There is a rare risk of seizure associated with TMS Therapy that occurs in 0.1% of people. There is no adverse effect on cognition.

People should notify their doctor if they experience worsening depression symptoms, signs, or symptoms of suicidal behavior and/or unusual behavior. Family members and support individuals should also be aware of the need to observe their loved ones and notify their treatment provider if symptoms worsen.

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy should not be used with people who have non-removable conductive metal or stimulator implants in or near the head or people who have active or inactive implants such as deep brain stimulators, cochlear implants, and vagus nerve stimulators.

TMS does not cause brain damage. Treatment such as vagus nerve stimulation or deep brain stimulation requires surgery or the implantation of electrodes, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) causes seizures and requires sedation under anesthesia. On the other hand, TMS therapy is noninvasive, and patients are closely monitored throughout the course of treatment to ensure the minimum amount of effective stimulation is utilized.

Careful screening is performed prior to initiating treatment, and most of the first session is spent calibrating the device and the therapy specifically for each unique individual. For qualified candidates, rTMS is considered safe and well-tolerated.

Many patients have experienced relief using TMS to treat anxiety. Studies show substantial benefits for patients diagnosed with PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), major depressive disorder, or a combination of depression and anxiety. For patients suffering from distressing symptoms, both depression and anxiety have been reduced through TMS.

We do not utilize TMS on patients who have:

  • Metal in their head (plates)
  • Aneurysm clips/coils
  • Neck or brain stents
  • Stimulators placed deep in the brain
  • Electrodes which measure brain activity
  • Metal implants in eyes or ears
  • Bullet fragments (Shrapnel) in/near the head
  • Tattoos on the face utilizing metallic or magnet-sensitive ink

The use of magnets and brain stimulation therapies to treat mental health disorders has been utilized for over 100 years. Transcranial magnetic stimulation itself was developed in the 1980s. The FDA approves the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating major depression, health conditions, and mental health symptoms.

Patients struggling with frustrating conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression and major depressive disorder, can find relief with the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Dr. Alva and the team of medical professionals at PNS have utilized TMS for more than 10 years and have performed transcranial magnetic stimulation on thousands of patients. Our facility is widely regarded as the leading TMS treatment provider in Orange County, CA. NeuroStar machines have treated over 2.5 million patients.

You are qualified to undergo NeuroStar TMS therapy if all or some of the following criteria apply to you:

  • You have a diagnosis of depression, Major Depressive Disorder, or treatment-resistant depression
  • Antidepressant medication doesn’t work for you (Patients have generally failed 2-4 medication trials before starting TMS treatment) 
  • Your medications and psychotherapy are ineffective to achieve the results you want or need
  • You experience unpleasant side effects from medications
  • You have a physical condition limiting your ability to take necessary medications
  • Your depression or anxiety symptoms interfere with your daily activities

Many patients wait years before seeking treatment. Left untreated, most mental health symptoms, such as depression, will not improve and often worsen.

You can begin TMS therapy and start your path to healing today!

Pacific Neuropsychiatric Specialists exists to bring targeted therapy to every client who needs it. PNS has already treated thousands of patients with TMS therapy, and our facility is broadly referred to as the leading TMS treatment source in Orange County, CA.

Don’t wait any longer. Learn more about PNS’s therapy options and start your journey today!

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