Telehealth Psychiatrist

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Psychiatric Telemedicine

woman holding a phone

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered changes that are still affecting our daily lives.

For many of us, it brought on new mental health challenges or exacerbated old ones, such as depression and anxiety. The pandemic brought much uncertainty about the well-being of our loved ones, which increased our anxiety and fear.

One change from the pandemic was that the federal government temporarily approved telemedicine for physicians. Research shows that far fewer people (about half) requested an in-person initial evaluation for psychiatric needs at the start of the pandemic, so providing telehealth services for mental health became a special interest for many.

This highlighted the need for members of the general public to attend a psychiatry appointment online with their clinical team. Many who would skip an in-office visit are utilizing telemedicine to discuss their mental health conditions and continue their relationship with our physicians. This also reduces their risk of exposure to coronavirus, flu, and other illnesses.

The Benefits of Telemedicine​

woman speaking on a phone

What’s the best thing about connecting with mental health professionals through telemedicine? No commute and no wait times!

By connecting to your telehealth psychiatrist or nurse practitioner in a virtual setting from the comfort of your own home, you can expect to:

  • Spend less time driving to and from your appointment
  • Miss less work
  • Save time and money that would be spent arranging for a child or elder care for an in-person visit
  • Receive exceptional health care
  • Reduce the risk of exposure to contagious illnesses (common cold, flu, COVID-19)
  • Enjoy psychiatry services from the comfort of your home

Who Can Get Telemedicine Services?

Telemedicine is available to patients of all ages, including children, older adults, and those in vulnerable health. That makes it an ideal healthcare solution for everyone, especially when someone can no longer leave their home safely but still requires medical attention.

psychiatry telemedicine
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What To Expect During Your Appointment With A PNS Telehealth Psychiatrist

Telehealth, or telemedicine, is a healthcare solution that allows you to meet virtually to discuss your mental health instead of going to the office.

With telehealth, you can also:

  • Submit your medication list, ID cards, and medical history
  • Discuss progress and treatment options
  • Privately discuss symptoms
  • Have prescriptions sent to your pharmacy
family telehealth consultation

PNS Telemedicine technology has never been easier to use, simply:

  • Call us to set up an appointment
  • Fill out the registration forms included in our calendar invite
  • Download our suggested app to your tablet, computer, or phone
  • Follow the link in your calendar invite to open your video chat to start your appointment

Preparing for Your Initial Consultation

Before your first visit, be sure to check with your insurance to be sure you can obtain psychiatry services at Pacific Neuropsychiatric Specialists. Be prepared to provide information on your nearest pharmacy (or the pharmacy you use most often).

Your psychiatry treatment may vary depending on the severity of your symptoms, but we may prescribe controlled substances to assist you in your journey toward better mental health. Be sure to book a follow-up appointment so your doctors can evaluate how well the medications are working. If we find that you would benefit from therapy in addition to your psychiatric medications, your telehealth psychiatrist will help connect you to one of our trusted affiliate therapists.

For more information on telemedicine or to schedule your virtual visit, contact us by calling today.

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How Can An Online Psychiatrist Help?

Your board-certified telehealth psychiatrist or nurse practitioner can provide mental health treatment for a variety of mental health needs, including the following:

  • Anxiety disorders
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Panic attacks
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Social anxiety
  • Mood disorders
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Depression
  • Personality disorders
    • Borderline personality disorder
    • Narcissistic personality disorder
  • And more
telehealth consultation psychiatrist

Don’t wait to receive treatment until depression or other mental health issues interfere with your daily life. Online psychiatry could be the answer, especially if social distancing is important to you. Our board-certified telehealth psychiatrists have in-depth knowledge of obsessive-compulsive disorders, bipolar disorders, and other issues.

We work with your insurance to send prescriptions to the nearest pharmacy

Online psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychiatrists prescribe medication and come up with an ongoing medication management plan for you.

In the same way that a primary care physician may prescribe medication, your licensed psychiatrist may include medication in your treatment plan.

Board-certified psychiatrists from PNS treat mental health symptoms using a variety of techniques, including personalized medication management. Of course, that is only part of the overall treatment plan that your telehealth psychiatrists will go over during your initial consultation.

Note: The board-certified psychiatrists at PNS do not offer therapy or teletherapy services. If your mental health treatment plan requires therapy visits, we can refer you to our trusted affiliate therapists or teletherapists to ensure you get the help you need.

Where We're Based

male telehealth psychiatrist talking online with his patient

Our behavioral health and psychiatry practice is based in Orange County, California, but thanks to our online psychiatry services, we can treat patients throughout the state of California, whether they’re in San Francisco or San Diego.

You don’t have to wait weeks for an opening or travel across the state for treatment. As long as your health plan allows you to see a psychiatrist, distance will not prevent you from getting the care you need.

(Note: Always check with your insurance plan before requesting an initial consultation with a psychiatrist. Patients who feel they need care but are unable to afford it should contact the Mental Health Services Division to find psychiatry doctors.)

Contact Us

We're here for you!

Our board-certified psychiatrists are trained in behavioral health and are happy to meet your online psychiatry needs.

Please contact us with questions
or requests for an appointment.
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